by the way, who is la cousine Germaine?

no one will tell it as well as he does:

Germaine lived somewhere in the 5th near Sorbonne

Toilets on the landing, a window on the court,
at the top of a stairs that had never seen the sun

and on the walls of this sinister room, you'd find Che Guevara, Pink Floyd and Johnny

on the old often-broken platine, she listened to the Stones and Maxime le Forestier...

Germaine, Germaine, a java or a tango are equal for me to tell you that I love you, no matter the rhythm

Germaine is firstly a passionate Parisian girl, who has never wanted to live her tower, at the 6th floor in the 6th neighborhood. From here, you see everything and live everything.

Historian at heart, I started to explore my neighborhood, and further and further away, never bored, never full.

Cousine Germaine is also a family adventure. From the blood one, who is vast, happy, curious and willing to grow on Paris's stones. It is also the adopted one, friends from everywhere, colleagues and dear ones, who have discover Paris following me. 

Walking, exploring, savoring, these people offered me their vision of Paris, which made me learn the incredible truth of traveling: that every visit is unique, and depends entirely on the people you do it with. 

Cousine Germaine's motto is born in all this love:

peacefulness, curiosity, authenticity 

what is it?

Les promenades avec cousine Germaine, ce sont d’abord des promenades à pied autour d’un arrondissement, entièrement construites sur-mesure en fonction de vos envies. Une marche en toute détente, curieuse et délicieuse, pour vivre un petit morceau de la vie de Paris. 

C’est aussi un accompagnement permanent pendant votre séjour, avec des recommandations personnalisées, des conseils et des réponses à toutes vos questions, parce que la famille, c’est sacré !

C’est enfin une communauté de voyageurs qui ont envie d’une autre expérience du voyage et de la ville, une expérience plus locale, plus écologique et plus apaisante. 

historienne, parisienne,
soeur, cousine, fille, amie,
curieuse et libre,
avec l’envie de tout partager avec tout le monde